Overview of Products & Services to Get You Started
We offer Professional Development and Teaching Resources for writing across all content areas.

Then choose one of these to build on your foundational learning:
How much do workshops cost?
Individual - live zoom, in-person, or on-demand
- 6 hours Narrative, Informational, Constructed Response or Editing Revising starts at $100 USD/pp
- 3 hour Sentence A Day starts at $100 USD/pp
- 2 hour Literacy Launch starts at $75 USD/pp
*Resource guides are an additional cost
Upcoming Workshops
- March 11, Tuesday - In Person, Calgary Alberta
- March 18, Tuesday - Live Zoom for Canadian Teachers
- Apr. 10, Thursday - Live Zoom
- May 9, Friday - In Person, Edmonton, Alberta
- On-Demand PD (available 24/7 for 14 days)
Launching into Literacy – Diving into Informational Skills (Gr 2-8)
- April 7, Monday - In Person, Calgary Alberta
- May 13, Tuesday - Live Zoom
On-Demand PD (available 24/7 for 14 days)
The Literacy Launch! Leveraging the Reading/Writing Connection (Gr 2-8) 2 hr
Constructed Response - A Step by Step Approach (Gr 2-8)
May 6, Tues. - In Person, ESC Region 19, TX
May 6, Tues. - In Person, Arlington TX
May 8, Thur. - In Person, San Antonio, TX
May 8, Thurs. - In Person, ESC 17, TX
May 13, Tues. - In Person, ESC 1, TX
May 15, Thurs. - Live Zoom
On-Demand PD (available 24/7 for 14 days)
Getting Ready to Write – (Gr K-1)
May 1, Thursday - Live ZoomOn-Demand PD (available 24/7 for 14 days)
Editing & Revising Workshop (GR 3-6)
- On-Demand PD (available 24/7 for 14 days)
Click here to see an example Field Trip from the HUB
Click here to see an example Narrated Text Student Pages from the HUB
- Enhanced digital replicas of time-tested EW instructional materials
- Professional development videos on the foundational skills taught by EW certified instructors
- Virtual Field Trips that provide background for text annotation and analysis
- Skill Power! PowerPoints to introduce the foundational skills
- New ways to engage students and appeal to every learning style including interactive student pages
$125 USD for a year long subscription
$195 Genre Writing guide, includes Literacy Launch, Narrative and Informational
$275 (starting) All In One Writing Guide (includes Literacy Launch, Narrative, Informational, Grammar and Argumentative)
Subscriptions are active for a year from date of purchase
Click here to see an example of a printed
Informational Grade 4 guide
These grade-level specific guides include all of the foundational writing skills and provides everything you need to be successful at teaching all genres or writing, personal experience and response to text writing. Teacher background, detailed lesson plans, reproducible/projectable student pages, sample texts and exemplars are included.
$165 USD Narrative, Informational, Argumentative or K-1 (handling fee added for orders outside US)
$310 USD Editing & Revising Teacher Manual and Student Books, Grade 3, 4 & 7